Get decades of investment knowledge,
with AI based robo‑advisor strategies in one click.
We are a team of highly professional investment managers using an award winning technology in Big Data, working hard to improve your investment portfolio.
Millions of eToro’s users from 140 countries have now access to cutting edge portfolio management designed to help them grow their wealth over the long term. This partnership with eToro is a tremendous opportunity to give the power back to the private investors by enhancing the way they invest with core diversified investment strategies.
Smarter investing is now a breeze.
Zakaria Laguel
Co-Founder of WeSave,
CIO of WeQuant -
Yoni Assia
CEO of eToro
Our first strategy AlphaCore
If you wish to invest in a core portfolio designed to achieve high returns over the long term this copyfund is what you are looking for. This copyfund has been developed by quantitative portfolio managers of WeSave, the first online private banking platform in France, based in Paris.
Learn more about AlphaCore-
Managed by a team of skilled investment managers
Cutting edge investment strategy
More strategies to come

Optio natus ut ea dolorum fuga rerum. Aut numquam ut odio recusandae perferendis autem aperiam. Quas qui rerum veniam laudantium officia reiciendis.
February 14, 2017
WeSave lance
le robo-advisor WeQuant

La plateforme de gestion d'épargne en ligne WeSave lance un service de conseil automatisé BtoB WeQuant. Le réseau social financier eToro devient son premier partenaire...
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